Posted by Anonymous

Had the misfortune of visiting this location today and had to stand and listen to one of the male employees running the cash register joke and laugh with other employees and customers about a young lady who's shirt they felt was to to tight. He just kept on and on as I was standing in line waiting to use the women's restroom. Apparently he was never taught if you don't have anything nice to say then you shouldn't say anything at all. He probably also does not realize that as women we do not get to decide the size of our breasts when they are natural and unfortunately sometimes they grow way to large which in turn makes it very difficult to find clothes that fit properly (not tight across the chest) when you are 5"9 and small everywhere except in the chest. Since this young man did not learn to not make fun of and talk about others he probably should have made sure her family wasn't standing there listening to him. That's right this young lady was my daughter and I can promise you she has more class and integrity in her little finger than most 17 year olds in this day and age and he could learn a few things from her. My suggestions would be better training for your young employees as to what is and is not appropriate employee behavior. Just a little food for thought!