Posted by HD

Fed Ex is not working as it tells the customers. I have been with the seller back and forth for an item I bought on Etsy, they have the correct address and they are keeping the package at this location without coming to the residential address which has been already checked by the seller. Eventually this package will go back to its Origen, and I will have placed a claim to Fed Express and to get refund from Etsy too. I will also express that no one should use this way of sending packages. At least I am not going to use it ever. I don't even know why the seller chose to send and then to believe Fed Exp. I also called last night, I have been in my house and I know no one has come because the snow is still showing no marks as to someone coming in from the street. I am very disappointed! I also left a note at the door to knock. From the blog reviews I can see this facility is a waste of money and time!!!!!