Posted by Done with it

Today I had the misfortune of being waited on by "Lisa" @ the shipping desk of the Winchester Rd. UPS shipping center. While I was trying to show her th QR code on my iPad to process an Amazon return, she insisted that I had to pull up an "email" on my phone for her to scan the QR code. Lisa lacks the ability to listen to her customers. she wouldn't stop running her mouth long enough for me to get a word in at all. Second thing she needs to know is THERE IS NO EMAIL. She actually had me looking for something that doesn't exist. Because of her attitude and inability to listen it took me over 3 hrs to make one return.She is an inept ,"Know It All" clerk that actually knows nothing about what she is enforcing on the customer. Along with having to endure her talking down to me, I had to listen to how Amazon "wants everything done for free" and various other opinions she would do better to keep to herself. She should be informed that it is the customer who pays for the returns whether she puts the cash in her till or not. No way should anyone have to pay to listen to her ranting. She should be operating a machine on an assembly line with no human contact because she has absolutely no skills for working with the public.