Posted by Betsey

I have not concluded my business.
There was a lanquage barrier and I went at lunch time so....
I think we mis understood each other BUT The gentleman told me the problem with my pone not charging was not unusual for a Galaxy III s and that it could not be fixed ( as I understood him So....he told me inorder not to pay full price on a new phone I had to get a new line "NEW is the key word." So I agreed.. he kept the old phone which
I will still be paying.
I spoke to another Verizon employee at a store in NC where I reside (after visiting the DC area) He told me to get the old phone back. The Virginia Store told me thy would get it for me on March 5th.(Idealt first with them 4 days ago Feb. 28th. They were planning to givr it to a charity....Were they going to chang the #?
If I get the phone back tomorrow I will give them a GREAT rating otherwise who knows what I will write
My daughter who lives in the area will attempt to get the
phone on the 5th,