Posted by Anonymous

I had a late lunch at McDonalds today and immediately lost my appetite once I started eating and witnessed one of the managers that I learned his name is Saveek (probably spelled wrong) yelling at one of his teenage employees. The poor girl was sitting there apparently waiting to start her shift and he starts yelling at her to go and do things. When she explained that she was not due to be on the clock yet he told her to get out of his store and that she better not even be a second late when she comes back or she is fired. Also that if she is ever, even a second late she's fired. Is this the type of example that McDonalds is okay with setting for our young people? I asked the young lady if he talks to his employees like that all the time and she said yes. Truly sad. I discarded my lunch and left the store. I will not be returning. Something needs to be done about that man and also there was a woman manager witnessing the whole thing. Her name I learned is lorinda(probably spelled wrong)