Posted by Anonymous

On Saturday, February 27, 2016, I went to your store, shortly before 3 p.m. I ordered a Sausage McMuffin for my very hungry child. We went through the drive through. When I picked the product out of the bag I was shocked. The muffin was rock hard and the cheese was ice cold. When I went back into the store, I sat the product on the counter and said it was unacceptable. The girl behind the counter was chuckling. She said, "Oh it's hard, huh?" I said, "you knew it was hard and you served it to me?" She then called for the manager in Spanish and told me she just "guessed" it was hard. The manager seemed less than interested in my complaint and told me that it would take 2 minutes to replace my order. She brought the muffin to my car. I opened it and the cheese was ice cold. We gave up at that point. Had too much to do to argue. This kind of customer service is unacceptable. I have been treated poorly by drive through staff at your store for a long time. I just recently noticed that some of the staff is saying hello and acknowledging that I am even there, not just throwing the food out the window at me with no napkins, silverware or condiments. I am certain the girl inside knew the muffin I was served was bad. It's really a shame that this kind of behavior is acceptable.